TimBurton22.jpg THE END! or the Beginning?" Dream Sequence Begins...Page 3
(20) & they the art museum in Mexico with a Sigh of Relief "never thought Artwork could that action packed" says Kristin "try making it all Kristin" says Tim with a Smirk TimBurton21.jpg
(19) They get to a Pirate Ship.. "Is Johnny Depp going to jump out" Kristin in the dark "No, Kristin he is Edward Scissorhands! No place place for him here~" TimBurton20.jpg
(18) They see large People playing on a Checkerboard floor "Do you like these Kristin" says Tim..."these are really cute & Fun! TimBurton18.jpg
Scene 15: Tim Says "this is an important part of the museum" & they enter yet another Tim Burton Entrance...they walk slowly....TimBurton17.jpg
Scene 14: We are lead to the light of the outdoors but above us it read "Don't Grow Up it's only a trap" & we stop & play pinball for awhile...I am "laughinh" &
Tim "laughs" back....TimBurton14.jpg
(12) We reach some very vintage costumes only with mannequins "ahh!" screams Kristin ! They look llike they creep "they are not alive, not to worry Kristin" says Tim, We Stop, I shutter..... TimTimBurton12.jpg
(11) it fades back onto still a Dark part of the Museum. We reach a Windmill & scientists, etc. We Flinch & look forward....TimBurton11.jpg
"Let's Take a Break..." says Tim, & the Theatre Darkens to Black
(10) We see more little creatures & they & they look tragic "These are my Tragic Toys- Prized Posessions!" says Tim. ""Wow!" Kristin, We move onwards....TimBurton10.jpg
Scene 9: We go back inside into the Darkness & find little creatures that look like they make Sound but they are Quiet asda Mouse, I giggle.... TimBurton9.jpg
Scene 8: He leads me outdoors where it looks safe bu then there is a Giant Artwork Snake with Sharp teeth I Scream!
He Saysb "Calm down Kristin, it is only artwork & Art can't hurt you" "Pweu" says Kristin "That one Scared me!., "TimBurton8.jpg
Scene 8: The Corridor begins to get darker & he sense danger "What shall we do?" Kristin "Follow Me" Says Tim... TimBurton7.jpg
(7) Afterwards Tim asks me to join him to go deeper into the Museums Art Showing. I agree aprensively. We saunter....TimBurton6.jpg
Scene 6: Suddenly some other Living Sculpture arrive at the scene & Scare the Space Aliens from the Museum! "Tim Burton's Artwork Saved us!" Says Kristin... TimBurton5.jpg
"Akk!" The Aliens are shooting the Artwork! Must stop them! (Tim Says)
(4) TimBurton3.jpg We seek refuge from the Sunlight back inside of Tim's Studio in the Art Museum, We are greeted by some happy Monsters...
(3) TimBurton2.jpg We go outside to find one of his sculptures Bleeding outside of the eyes, we smile- teeth showing...
(2) TimBurton1.jpg We follow the Artwork to Tim's Studio in the Art Museum where he works on creation, I watch him....
Scene 5- Space Aliens Shooting Tim's Artwork, TimBurton16MarsAttacks.jpg
...And so the Aliens from Mars Attacks follow us deeper in the Art Museum in Mexico....
(5) We go outdoors to see some more of his artwork but we hear lazor guns in the museum, we sneak inside...TimBurton4.jpg
Tim Burton Looking Sexy! Tim Burton2.jpg
Tim Burton!! Tim BurtonMature.jpg
Tim Burton as Timothy the Mouse! Tim BurtonMouse.jpg
about. Artwork by Tim Burton, Tim Burton as Actor, Written & Set Design by Kristin Noelle Hinga