A Auto-BIOGRAPHY/ Art Blog
I am going to live & not kill myself.
I have NEVER spoken about this kind of stuff to anyone, I feel safe with Tim Burton,
"Welcome to Anger, my very own passion project filled with unique and engaging content. Explore my site and all that I have to offer; perhaps Anger will ignite your own passions as well."
My Dad is the worst filthy scum on this planet. Why did I go without sex for 22 years? I was raped by him & was too sick with MS to tell anyone. I have been child molested since I was a tiny little girl.
He has stolen of my Assets ranging from 1000s of comic books, books, Cds Vinyl, my artwork is all pilfered & either sold or thrown away.
I have next to no action figures left. He even steals my clothing & Shoes! Dozens of pairs of shoes~
Help Me God
So what do you think Stephen King? Good enough for you? Only this is a True Story.
I Hate you. I wish you would just die already, Torture in the side room~ DIE! FUCKER RAPIST!
I ha te my dad
1/12/22 I still hate my life & am suicidal, but it is getting a little bit better, I am not eating & chain-smoking. I am not fed anything. My MS is crippling me today & I am technically healed? in remission?
I am kinda going out with Tim Burton. I was going out with Ludwig, w e went just about a year. We had problems. He was married & cheated on me with my sister? what a fucking mess, he seduced me with his music.
Now I am getting some pills for my condition with MS & am supposed to not supposed to. Damn, it has got to get better for me.
1/11/22 I have so much Anger & inner turmoil today I hate my Life so much I just want to die....but I just go on with a cursed horrible situation of Evil being done to me & I hate.
I actually want to read a Stephen King novel right now www.stephenking.com
My Real life is a Living Hell but my online is doing much better. Why do bad things happen to good people? Why can people become so cruel?
A good thing today actually I got my Script for a New Hope (Star Wars) Signed by the Cast! Nice Birthday gift to myself.
I am also interested in another Horror Author named Clive Barker. He had a Horror Series called Books of Blood I would like to check out too.