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My Tribute to Kurdt Cobain
The Connection I had with Kurdt Cobain..
When I knew of Kurdt Cobain I was a teenage brat. Into the Music ene Big Time & followed the Good Bands like Nirvana. My Connection is sorda but very true.
One Night I had done so many Drugs that I 8-balled it & was sure I was going to die. I passed out on the drug overdose. The Next Morning I actually got woken up! It was from a friend who just said "Kurdt Cobain is dead." we kinda left it that. I cried & mourned & went to get material of this day at the grocery store. He had internal hemmroging & Alc rs of the Stomach & was in constant pain. He then released the fact he blew his head off with a Gun.
I look at it as a Mercy Killing, not a cry for help, he was fine but his body was not. I completely understand.
God Bless Ylou Kurdt Cobain & May the Force be with You.
Kurdt Cobain's Family
Losing Kurdt Cobain I went on...and many years later, while on the internet I cross paths with his wife & favorite rock star Courteny Love. I started up a chat with her talking about her tiny records or 7"s from her band HOLE I bought that were colored in purple pink, pale blue. Long before the Vinyl Revolution. These were honest records. I had her first single "Teenage Whore" & we were instant friends! To this day I conside Courteny Love a Dear Friend.
And from that friendship I also made a new of Frances Bean Cobain. What a beautiful little girl, no longer the baby in the Cobain's Arms but a lady studying in Italy. We talked then. I gave tons of [pictures she & her Dad, etc. & I was the only postds on her private board. I finally had to leave because I was so much older & didn't want to in any way corrupt her. She is beautiful & now does her own music I hope she goes places to the top! XOXOX, Kristin