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The Georgia Renaissance Festival, Atlanta

A land of the Dungeons & Dragons comes to Life & Fairy Wings Fly...

Welcome to The Georgia Renaissance Festival~

I am your guide through this mysterious & magical land of Kings & Queens, Knights & Swords.

Jousting with Knights who Ride Horses & Joust. Turkey Legs are first on the Menu for these Galant Men...

The women enjoy However Renaissance Garb with everything from Princesses to Belly-Dancers. Handmade Purses & Jewelry with Gemstones & handmade soder.

It's all for you just waiting to explore, come on, Let's Go~


The Ren Fest is what the locals call it here in the South!

My Experience of The GeorgiaRenaissance Festival

There 2 Renaissance Festivals when I went to the Festival, one in the Spring & one in the Fall. My first time was at the Fall Festival. It was autumn & nearing Halloween so Everyone was in Costume even if it was Renaissance or not. There was a Big Halloween Costume Contest where you walked across a dirt mound to show off your costume & talk about it. That took hours. I remember going to a Handmade Costume shop & bought Court Jester gear such as a Court Jester with bells.

A very Neat thing to get was these old fashioned real coins & have a man drop a block stamp into the coin & it would cut out a picture you were chosing & you would have it made into a necklace. I chose a castle for the front side. It look beautiful as a pendant. The Contraption was actually created by Leonardo DaVinici.

Next was shops that all kinds of Swords. From Medieval Looking to Professional one of Today. I collected swords after going to The Renaissance Festival. An Element of Magic in the Festival were Magic Wands. Wands made of Butterfly materials to gemstone silver wands. That was what the Festival was to me, pure magic.



What to See & Do at The Renaissance Festival

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