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Authors & Poets I have come Across 1990s
I got a chance to give my Book of Poetry to these Great People....
Jim Carroll
The Basketball Diaries
I met Jim Carrol before he Died in a College Auditorium. He was the author of The Basketball Diaries. Which later became a film starring Leonardo DiCaprio.
His work was completely Original. He brought together Basketball & Writing. His Life Story is Torrid & even strange laced with Drugs & Alcohol like many Great Authors before his time. He was shaky & Distraught . I was able to give him Typewriter Ribbon Ribbon Backstage, the only person admitted. He was a Living Legend. &
Henry Rollins
Author/ Bands- Black Flag & Rollinsband
Henry Rollins I also got to read in another College Auditorium. Now this was the Henry Rollins I saw an age ago with his band Rollinsband, but as a writer he blossomed into a smarter more unique man.
Henry Rollins is a Prolific Writer & he also loves Coffee! So we hit off right away. I was punk when I was a teen so we could relate. He became a great friend & lasst heard from in Atlanta & he was still writing.
Lydia Lunch & Lee Ranaldo of Sonic Youth
Author & Poet
Lydia Lunch is a very Wild Woman. She acts the part of a Vixen & had quite a sexlife. She pours her adventures in wharehouse type living below skyscrapers in New York, like SOHO used to be, she is a instinctive writer & a bit crazy. We sat & talked after her reading & she signed signed her beautiful book in red ink. She was Stunning.
Sitting in New Orleans after Sonic Youth had played, I was given a stick on Backstage Pass that I ignored but felt the urge to see Kim Gordan's little baby CoCo. Kim really liked my vintage blue leather coat. Next thing ya know I am sitting in the Sonic Youth Tour Bus with Lee Renaldo. We spoke of poetry & writing & he gave me his book "Road Movies" & it changed my life forever. A poet can get published too!
New Orleans was pure magic.