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The Story as an Artist
Kristin Noelle Hinga
My Art Career started when I was born. My Mother, Sharon Lou Hinga, was a former Art Teacher so she w as well versed in the Art World. Not only Creating Artwork from an early age my Uncle Donny owned an Art Gallery in the 1960s. He managed such Artist that had a resemblance to Pablo Picasso in their Work.
Frida Kahlo & Pablo Picasso are the two main influences now in my further career as an Fine Art. Self-Portraits hung in Galleries that SOLD when some of my Break -Thrus to the Art World outside of the Studio. My work did resemble earyly Picasso by happenstance. I just had subject matter of a Picasso. I met his Children, Paloma Picasso & Claude Ruiz Picasso that are absolute Joys in my Life.
I am doing more with the Arts now such as being considered for Art Direction in Star Wars Film. This enriches my Work & Gives another Creative Outlet for me & My Work~
"My Grandfather"
My Grandfather is an Important piece in The Museum of Modern Art online & The Louvre online. The piece has attracted much attention by both Museums, & Moma Museum in Face book has my other few pieces in it. But The Louvre (France) now will havr & does have the My Grandfather oil painting, oil on canvas. 1997.
My Abstract Work
This Movement of my hands & arms with each brustroke really personifies as an Artw ork Creator. My mind focuses on other-wordly thoughts & feelings. My Abstract Work is veryu deep & I think Original. Please Enjoy.